Well, well, well... we meet again. After 6 months of not posting anything... So here's a little recap on my life:
On the school front, I finished CSN in the spring and took 4 summer classes at UNLV. Now I'm on track in the Business Marketing degree at UNLV, currently taking Interpersonal Communications 102, Finance 301, Accounting 202, Business Writing 407A and French 113. I just took two midterms today: accounting and french and I think they both went really well.
On the apartment front, I'm living with a new roommate Kendra. She is from California, but transferred from a school in Colorado to play volleyball here at UNLV. Because of that, she's not home a lot. But we get along great. We're living in a two-bedroom apartment right across the street from school.
On the work front, I've been working at the MGM Grand pool as a receptionist. I sell and rent cabanas and tubes for the guests. It's super fun (bleh). Perks for working at a giant company are pretty awesome though. During orientation I got two complimentary tickets for KA and then later I got two complimentary admissions to the MGM buffet. So this Friday me and Kyler are having a little date night. And how are we going to get there?
...I bought a moped!! She's a brand new yellow 2010 scooter, bought her with 2 miles on her. Hehe, and of course I named her after JD's scooter, Sasha. I don't need a license or registration (or even legally a helmet). She can only go a max of 40mph. It's a lot better than biking around to get places. My poor bike looks so sad locked up to the stair rail every time I see her when I leave my apartment. I should ride her every now and then, so she knows I still love her too, haha.