As of today, above anything else, I hope to never be classified as someone who is spoiled; this includes lack of consideration for other people, recurrent temper tantrums, an inability to handle the delay of gratification, demands for having one's own way, obstructiveness, and manipulation (from Wikipedia - yeah, I cite from Wikipedia :P and I don't care who knows it). Now I don't want to get too personal here (the internet is a scary place!) but I've been having some roommate troubles lately. And yeah, maybe I'm too chicken to face the problems head on and deal with them. Most of the issues just have to do with her lifestyle and self-centeredness (yeah, I just made up that word). This gets me thinking about how happy I am (now) to have grown up in a big family. We were satisfied in every way and I think all of my siblings will grow up to be spectacular people, save for one detail: we all don't like to confront others. As displayed, I would rather sit here and write on my computer about what I'm feeling than deal with the issue at hand. The rational part of me says I do this because it's not worth it to me. I don't have any intentions of being friends with this person after our lease is up. But the emotional part of me just tells me that maybe I don't want to hear about the things she doesn't like about me. But it's not like it's anything I don't already know:
- I'm messy
- I like my alone time
- I get in bad moods when I get bad grades
- I listen to music... very loudly
I mean, maybe I brought this situation on myself, because in the beginning when she first moved in, I tried to be really friendly and hang out with her... even though I know that I always end up being annoyed with roommates. But what is it about me that makes this true every time? Maybe I just don't like drama and the girls who come with it. Meh.
What do you hope to never be classified as?