I think that it's probably one of the best feelings ever when you need to talk to someone about something and you finally do. It makes me feel so much closer to people when I'm able to do this. Last night, after a little tiff with Kyler, we had a great talk. We had lunch/breakfast at the LDE and then, in my attempt to get us "out of the desert", we took a bike ride to Sunset Park. I rode my bike and Kyler rode Steve's bike. A little issue with Steve's bike is that the seat tends to rock back and forth a bit. It's a simple fix with a wrench, but we didn't have one with us at the time. So as we were almost there we switched bikes, mostly because Steve's bike seemed a little too short for him. I was pretty impressed that Kyler could make it the whole way since he said he hadn't really gone on a bike ride in years. When we got there we locked up both of our bikes and my helmet with my one lock. We saw people playing frisbee golf. I made a mental note to put that on my list of things to learn how to do. We walked past some baseball fields and saw a playground with swings. We swung for a bit and then we saw this rope pyramid. I've never seen anything like this at a playground before and we both wished that we'd had something like this on our playgrounds back at school. Then there was a curved rock wall and an actual rock that we climbed up. After indulging our inner child, we walked over to the lake. We sat at a table and just watched all of the birds in the lake. There were white geese, canadian geese, mallards, ducks and a whole bunch of other birds that we didn't know. It was so calming just sitting there enjoying the company, the scenery and the weather. We took a walk around the whole lake and as we started to feel raindrops, we decided it was probably time to head back. Kyler rode my bike and I rode Steve's bike. It wasn't too bad of a ride back since it was mostly downhill. We decided that we were going to then walk to Target, because it was raining, to get some pasta to make at my place. After buying some food at Target we decided to go to Albertson's, the grocery store across the street. On our way there Kyler realized he was on duty at 7. It was 6:10. So we hurried in Albertson's and then decided that I would catch the Rebel Place bus at the Student Union and then he could just get back to Dayton. But as we were walking there we saw the bus go by us and decided to run to catch it. I couldn't run anymore and I took Kyler's bag as he ran on ahead to catch it. Come to find out, the bus wasn't going to leave for another 10 minutes or so. So we both ran for nothing. But I was so thankful that Kyler was willing to do that for me. :D

When I was at Kyler's place earlier, he gave me a big bandaid to put on the scratch on my elbow. I just tried to take it off and it hurt so badly. I hate taking off bandaids and have yet to find the best way to remove them. I could peel it off and get the pain over with early. I could put it under water to counter act the stickiness. But for now I will peel it back in small parts. ... Ok so I got frustrated after slowly peeling half of it off and I quickly ripped it off the rest of the way. Now I have a square patch on my elbow without any hair on it. OUCH. Ok, enough surgical talk... I'm about to watch Jimmy Fallon and try to fall asleep.