Sunday, February 28, 2010

List of Things

No pattern, no association, no point.  Here is my list of things:
1. Phone Covers.  Now I've had my fair share of cases for my phones over the years.  My first case was one of those clear silicone cases for my enV.  Part of the case actually went over the keyboard on the inside.  Why?  I don't care about protecting the inside keyboard, that's what the top part of the phone is for.  Then with the flipping open action, the case would slip and slide all over because it wasn't taught anymore.  Let's see, after I realized that case was a flop, I got two hard plastic cases, one black and one clear, that I bought on Ebay for super cheap since the enV2 was out by then.  I'd dropped my phone a few times and it had some bumps and bruises already.  So I figured I'd get the case to prevent any further damage.  I really liked having a case on it because it decreased the intensity of the "rumble" (from Jacob).  After having the clear case on for a few months, I decided to put the black one on, just for the sake of change.  I maybe should have realized that dirt and dust got stuck under the case.  When I took the case off all of the debris had been mashed into the body of the phone and had put hundreds of little scratches all over.  Why did I bother with the case in the first place?  Sigh.  Well I'm on to my next phone now, the enV Touch.  Since the front is a touch screen, I decided it would be a good idea to get a screen protector.  In my cheap-o Amazon search (free shipping with Amazon Prime) I found a screen protector, hard black plastic case and car charger for less than $3.  With good reviews, how could I resist?  So now I'm back to, hmm... square two?  Right now I have the screen protector and case on.  But I'm very tempted to take the case off because of what happened with my last case.  I don't understand my phone companies can't make phones that are scratch resistant.  I mean my $30 glasses are, why can't my (retail value) $400 phone?

2. Opposite Temperature Foods.  Iced coffee.  Grilled pineapple.  Frozen yogurt.  Cold pizza.

3. Turn Signals.  This may be one of my biggest pet peeves.  But Jill, you don't have a car, why are you so annoyed?  Ah, a good point.  But I do bike to and from school, a total of 15 miles everyday.  According to The Nevada Bicycle Advisory Board, we're supposed to Share the Road.  This means that bikes are legally allowed to ride on all roads and are not supposed to ride on sidewalks.  So I ride on the right side of the road.  When cars are also all the way in the right lane and want to turn right, they will just speed past me, slam on the brakes and swerve around the right-hand turn.  If they had their blinker on, I could have slowed down a lot sooner.  C'mon Las Vegas drivers: blinker before brakes.

4. Finding the Right One.  This is probably one of the best feelings in the world.  There is no formula or warning.  But when it happens, you know.  You just know.  Like when I was looking for my bike helmet, or my prom dress or a pair of jeans.  I tried on dozens of helmets, but it wasn't until I put my purple one on and it fit perfectly that I knew it was the one.  It's like the people at the helmet making place came to my apartment, measured my head and made a helmet to fit me perfectly.

5. Ke$ha.  She is one of my new favorite artists.  It's provocative, stuck in your head, come dance with me, jump around, scream the lyrics with the car windows rolled down, set as your ringtone kind of music.  I tend to go through musical phases, so this is probably just one of them.  I first saw her perform Tik-Tok on Jimmy Fallon, and it was a just okay performance.  Then I found out that she actually did the remix of "Right 'Round" with Flo Rida in the summer.  Music like this was definitely a staple at Six Flags. Then I downloaded the rest of her stuff and I couldn't stop listening to it.  Plus, she did a remix with 3oh!3... that's got to be automatic awesomeness.  It's Disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I'm right with you on the whole Ke$ha thing. At first I was a little disgusted with myself, but now I just turn my stereo up shamelessly and rock out! :)
